
0 2021, what a start!

  • by Grace Gilpin
  • 13-01-2021
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Many of us were very happy to see the end an horrific 2020, hoping to sneak into 2021 with a better outlook but here we are again. Like many of you no doubt, we are struggling with events and trying to keep ourselves moving forward as best we can every day. I would like to say if any of you would like a chat or to ask for help/ideas to keep you going, please don't hesitate to reach out. I hope to now kick my own butt and get some simple ideas posted on my Fb page to help us all along, as I have been rather lax too!

So, I have still been having my daily outside exercise with Kira, running, walking or over the past couple of months been trying race walking, with the help of the lovely Linda and Trevor! Sadly it is on my treadmill now due to my outdoor time focussed on Kira's needs but it gives me a laugh, desperately trying to get that wiggle form! Have any of you jumped into a new routine? Let me know!

I have tidied my home workroom up now and have a lovely exercise area and studio together so have no excuse to get going! Looking back on part started paintings, I have come across during this clean up, I am going to post some of my past works and explain, with some of the unfinished ones, what I was trying to do, what stopped  me taking them further and  what my original idea was hoping to express. I will warn you, I do sometimes have weird ideas!


Keep visiting our page for ideas and maybe a little inspiration! Keep safe.